Presentation to ISPCC Childline
MMVC Spring Concert 2018
Our Spring Concert this year was held in the GMIT in Castlebar on the 20th April. Our guest artists this year were Rory Musgrave (Baritone), Mairéad Buicke (Soprano) and Sarah Lyons (Violin).
Originally we engaged Sinéad Campbell-Wallace as Soprano but due to unforeseen circumstances she was unable to attend and we are mot grateful to Mairéad Buicke for stepping in and filling the gap.
The video below (about 20 mins) is a brief synopsis of the concert.
MMVC Workshop 2018
Spring Concert 2018 GMIT Mayo Campus 20 April
Michael Walshe – Obituary
Concert at Castlebar, October 13th, 2017
Death of Charlie Davis RIP
An ‘Amazing’ choir from the Netherlands to perform in Mayo!
Hailing from Holten, a village in the north east of the Netherlands, ‘Amazing Popkoor’ will visit Mayo in October upon the invitation of the Mayo International Choral Festival. Their trip will involve a tour of the West of Ireland culminating in a concert in Christchurch, Castlebar, together with the ‘Mayo Male Voice Choir’ and the ‘The Rolling Waves’ on Friday 13th October.
Formed in 1994, this mixed adult choir has 40 members and their repertoire consists of beautiful renditions of many of the all-time favourite pop-songs, in four-part a cappella arrangements. Directed by Marion Mulders the choir performs regularly at choral festivals and events in the Netherlands and in Europe including Finland and Germany.