Carol singing and fund raising during the Christmas 2013 season. Abbeybreaffey Nursing Home 2013 The launch of our new jumpers!!! We would like to thank the staff of Abbeybreaffy for their great reception and generosity towards our choir every year. We always enjoy visiting and singing some carols. Click on any image to enlarge it.…
Great Night in Louisburgh – April 12th 2013
Magical Night in Louisburgh. For those of us involved for many years with Mayo Male Voice Choir, the night of Friday 12th April in Louisburgh Town Hall has to be right up there with the very best – a special night and a very special performance. As with every successful sports team, so too with…
Gala Concert Galway Bay Hotel 26 April 2012
Muintir Mhaigh Eo Gaillimh present a Gala Concert in Association with the Mayo Male Voice Choir & Guests in the Galway Bay Hotel, Salthill on Thursday next the 26th of April at 8 p.m. Proceeds to Charity. Tickets available from 0876812155;0879306028 or 087 2601093. Sean McManamon ( Chairman Muintir Mhaigh Eo) Source: Blog of Church…