Louisburgh 2014

Mayo Male Voice Choir End October on a High!

October was a busy month for Mayo Male Voice Choir with two major engagements less than a fortnight apart from each other.

On October 10th, the choir joined Louisburgh Junior Church Choir and Louisburgh’s own world class mezzo-soprano, Ann Marie Gibbons for what is now fast becoming the annual Louisburgh Order of Malta fundraiser, this year in the Derrylahan Inn.

Mayo Male Voice Choir with Louisburgh Junior Church Choir
Mayo Male Voice Choir with Louisburgh Junior Church Choir – click on image to get a closer look!

The new venue for the concert was packed to the rafters, much to the delight of Jim Corrigan, Catherine Macleod and their  team of organisers.  The Junior Choir were directed by Catherine (who later duetted with MMVC member Michael Basquille) were introduced by compere, Tommy Morahan and after some very well received songs were joined on stage by MMVC to sing “A Mhuire Mháthair” to a great reception.  

Mayo Male Voice Choir in Derrylahan Inn
Mayo Male Voice Choir in Derrylahan Inn, Louisburgh, October 10th 2014-click on image to get a closer look!

MMVC followed singing such classics as “Anthem” from Chess, the beautiful “Shenandoah” and “American Trilogy.”  Either side of the interval Ann-Marie performed two pieces which held the audience captivated. The night ended with Ann-Marie joining MMVC in “You’ll Never Walk Alone” – the famous Liverpool anthem. The very appreciative Louisburgh audience provided two standing ovations to complete a wonderful night for everyone involved.

Naturally MMVC members were in no hurry home and adjourned to An Bhun Abhainn for some “light refreshment” and further singing to round off a wonderful evening.