Springtime Serenade, The Lodge, Ashford Castle
Christmas Concert – Ballintubber Abbey
The original date for the Christmas Concert was cancelled due to weather conditions. The concert will now take place on 20th December.
As we end a trying year…
We’re Back!
Well, almost! It is great to be able to tell you that we start choir practices again in November and are looking forward at some time in the hopefully near future to being able to entertain you all again. If anyone has decided in the long hours of lockdown that choral singing is for them…
Happy Christmas 2020 and a Better New Year 2021
A message from the Chairman Warmest wishes to all our followers and members and their families and I hope you all remain safe and healthy in the coming year. We all miss our choral activities particularly at this time of year. We can only hope and look forward to better times ahead, when we can…
Cancellation of events
Mayo Male Voice Choir, in compliance with Official HSE Health Guidelines concerning the Coronavirus pandemic, has announced that all events planned for this its twentieth anniversary year have been cancelled. This includes our Annual Spring Concert scheduled for May 1st next. We would like to thank our faithful followers for their support, and assure them…
9th Mayo International Choral Festival postponed to 2021
The organisers of the Mayo International Choral Festival, which takes place during the second last week in May each year has announced that the 9th festival is postponed to May 2021. Said Festival Producer, Declan Durcan “we have taken the decision in light of the rapidly evolving Covid-19 situation. All choir leaders and coordinators of…
Ireland West Airport Knock – Home-coming 2019
As has become a regular feature in our Christmas program the Choir sang carols at the Ireland West Airport Knock – Home-coming 2019 event on the 23rd December, 2019. Thanks to Adrian Keena for the pictures.
Christmas carols at SuperValu
We had a very busy and most enjoyable Christmas – here are three pics from our performance in Supervalu, Castlebar (Kavanagh’s Supervalu Castlebar). Thanks Adrian Keena for the pics.