MMVC Spring Concert 2018

Our Spring Concert this year was held in the GMIT in Castlebar on the 20th April. Our guest artists this year were Rory Musgrave (Baritone), Mairéad Buicke (Soprano) and Sarah Lyons (Violin).

Originally we engaged Sinéad Campbell-Wallace as Soprano but due to unforeseen circumstances she was unable to attend and we are mot grateful to Mairéad Buicke for stepping in and filling the gap.

The video below (about 20 mins) is a brief synopsis of the concert.

Our grateful thanks go to all who put in so much work to make this event happen so successfully.

The choir of around 42 members start their warm up before the concert under the watchful eye of Musical Director Deirdre Lee.

The concert hall begins to fill up. Eventually we had a full house for the start of the performance (and at the end 🙂 )

A couple of shots during the performance. Apologies for the poor quality in the low light.

Mairead Buicke sings I Dreamt I Dewlt In Marble Halls

The Chairman of the MMVC Committee gave an address at the end of the concert