Constitution And Rules

1. NAME:
1.1 The name of the Choir shall be the Mayo Male Voice Choir.

2.1 To study and practice choral music in order to foster knowledge and appreciation of such music, and to undertake such activities as may be approved by the Committee.

3.1 (a) Ordinary membership of the Choir shall be open to any male person interested in furthering the objectives of the Choir, who has passed an audition and has been accepted as a member by the Committee. An ordinary member shall have one vote.
3.2 (b) Honorary membership may be conferred at the Annual General Meeting on any member who in the opinion of the meeting merits the honour. Honorary members shall not have a vote.
3.3 The Committee shall have power, after written warning, to terminate the membership of any individual, for reasons such as unbecoming behaviour, and such individual shall have the right to be heard by the Committee before a final decision is made.

4.1 The management of the Choir shall be in the hands of a Committee consisting of the following: Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, Librarian, Public Relations Officer, and up to 5 other members. The officers and the other Committee members shall be elected by and out of the Choir’s members at the Annual General Meeting (a.g.m.); they shall hold office until the next Annual General Meeting and be eligible for re-election. Any casual vacancy shall be filled by the Committee.
4.2 The Musical Director may attend all Committee meetings as required, other than when the position of Musical Director is under review by the Committee.
4.3 The Committee shall meet as often as it may consider necessary, and, in general, at monthly intervals. The Committee may authorise the Chairperson and/or another member, in respect of a particular function(s), to act on its behalf for a specified period of time.
4.4 7 (seven) members (50% of 12 +1) shall form a quorum for a Committee meeting. In the absence of a quorum, the meeting shall be adjourned to the same day of the following week; if no quorum is then present, the meeting may proceed to conduct its business.
4.5 Committee decisions shall be by majority vote of those present with the Chairman having a casting vote.
4.6 Sub-Committees may be formed by the Committee and may include non-members.
4.7 The Honorary Secretary shall (a) keep minutes of the proceedings at meetings of the Committee and General Meetings, (b) set the agenda for meetings in consultation with the Chairman, (c) record in the minutes decisions reached at meetings, (d) deal with correspondence.
4.8 The Committee shall have power to do and undertake all such lawful activities as are necessary for the achievement of the objectives of the Choir.

5.1 The financial year shall end on 31 May.
5.2 The Honorary Treasurer shall open an account or accounts in the name of the Choir with such financial institution(s) as the Committee shall from time to time decide. All monies received shall be lodged in the Choir’s account(s). All payments shall be made by cheque or through secure on-line banking services. Cheques must be signed by the Honorary Treasurer and one other nominated member.
5.3 The Committee shall approve the payment of all major expenditure. All proper and usual accounts and records shall be kept. The Treasurer shall present, when required, an interim statement of the Choir’s accounts, giving details of income and expenditure since the previous meeting. The Treasurer shall retain vouchers of expenditure for inspection. All financial documents shall be submitted to the committee at the end of each financial year.
5.4 The Committee shall approve reasonable Honoraria to the Musical Director and non-members for services rendered to the Choir. Members of the Choir are not entitled to any remuneration for services rendered. The income and property of the Choir shall be applied solely towards promoting the objectives of the Choir.

6.1 The Annual General Meeting (a.g.m.) of the Choir shall be held within one month of the end of the Choir’s financial year. Members shall receive 10 days notice of the a.g.m. There shall be a quorum of at least 15 members. The members shall elect a President, Chairman and Committee. The Committee shall elect its officers. The Honorary Secretary and Honorary Treasurer, respectively, shall present the reports and accounts of the Choir for the preceding year to the meeting. The financial accounts shall be audited or scrutinised by two persons appointed by the preceding a.g.m., and a report submitted to the a.g.m. Motions for discussion at the a.g.m. must be submitted in writing and lodged with the Honorary Secretary at least 7 days before the a.g.m.
6.2 The Musical Director shall be appointed at the Annual General Meeting or, where necessary, at an Extraordinary General Meeting. Membership subscriptions shall be fixed at the a.g.m. for the coming year. All matters arising shall be decided by a majority vote of two-thirds of those present and entitled to vote.

7.1 An Extraordinary General Meeting (e.g.m.), of which at least 10 days’ notice must be given to members, may be called by the Committee or on written requisition by at least 10 members. The quorum shall be the same as that for an a.g.m. (i.e. at least 15 members).

8.1 All music is the property of the Choir and must be returned to the Librarian when requested.

9.1 Members are required to conform to the dress code laid down by the Committee for participation in performances.

10.1 No male individual shall be excluded from membership of the Choir or debarred from any official capacity on the Committee on the grounds of race, colour, age, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or political affiliation.

11.1 The Choir may be dissolved by a resolution at the a.g.m. or e.g.m. The ownership of the Choir property shall be vested in the Committee in place at the time, who may transfer such property to a choir or organisation having similar objectives to those of the Mayo Male Voice Choir.
11.2 The Committee shall be indemnified out of the property and assets of the Choir in respect of all transactions directed by resolution of the Committee and against all liabilities and expenses necessarily incurred as a result of their membership of the Committee.
11.3 In the event of the Choir’s property and assets being deficient, such deficiency shall be made good by the full membership on whose behalf the property and assets of the Choir are held.

12.1 This constitution may be amended by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting at any General Meeting on 10 days’ notice to the members of the amendment.