Carol singing and fund raising during the Christmas 2015 season.
Our chosen charity this year was the Castlebar outreach group of Chernobyl Children’s International (CCI) for whom the Choir raised €900.
Singing at Tesco, Abbey Breaffy etc
Homecoming at Knock Airport
Paraic being interviewed as Gaeilge for TG4
One of the many cameramen on duty at Knock on 23rd Dec
Declan and Eamonn
Paraic and Luke
Jackie and Gerry
The one and only Tom O’Hora
Jim, Frank (x2) and
Sweet Singing in the Choir
Another cameraman hard at work
Men of the MMVC (1)
Our chairman, Tony McNulty
Men of the MMVC (2)
Gerry and Tony
Tis herself, you know, the now famous one from the News….wouldn’t you know that Storm Eva is on the way!!!!
Teresa in full flight!
Roddy gets up to date info!
TG4 in action!
Would that be Tom O’Hora chatting…again!
Gerry Glennon gives Deirdre a hug!!
Gerry introduces the choir.
Theresa getting ready for recording.