The original date for the Christmas Concert was cancelled due to weather conditions. The concert will now take place on 20th December.
As we end a trying year…
Happy Christmas 2020 and a Better New Year 2021
A message from the Chairman Warmest wishes to all our followers and members and their families and I hope you all remain safe and healthy in the coming year. We all miss our choral activities particularly at this time of year. We can only hope and look forward to better times ahead, when we can…
Ireland West Airport Knock – Home-coming 2019
As has become a regular feature in our Christmas program the Choir sang carols at the Ireland West Airport Knock – Home-coming 2019 event on the 23rd December, 2019. Thanks to Adrian Keena for the pictures.
Christmas carols at SuperValu
We had a very busy and most enjoyable Christmas – here are three pics from our performance in Supervalu, Castlebar (Kavanagh’s Supervalu Castlebar). Thanks Adrian Keena for the pics.