Election of Officers

At the recent Annual General Meeting of the Mayo Male Voice Choir on Wed 2nd June, 2018 the following offices were elected.

Officers Of Mayo Male Voice Choir 2018/19

OfficeElectedProposed BySeconded By
PresidentJohn FinlayM. TiernanP. McHale
ChairmanJim TiernanS. GavinD.Corcoran
Vice-ChairmanSean GavinP.MurphyJ. Finlay
SecretaryFrank LarkinS. BradyM. Killeen
Asst. SecretaryJackie ClarkeF. MurrayT. Conway
TreasurerJimmy MurphyJ. ClarkeD. Loring
Asst. TreasurerMichael KilleenJ. ClarkeD. Loring
LibrarianSteven BradyT. ConwayD. Loring
Asst LibrarianTony ConwayD. CorcoranS. Gavin
Musical DirectorDeirdre LeeJ. TiernanJ. Finlay
M.A.P.A RepDeclan DurkanC. KneafseyJ. Finlay
P.R.OMartin CarneyJ. TiernanS.Brady
Web AdminDavid LoringF. MurrayP.Murphy